Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Agile Development (aka The Fast & The Furious)

Came across an agile development management platform called TargetProcess. I am not sure about their product or approach but I do like this graphic.

The app can be trialled for 5 users or less and installed with Microsoft's Web Platform free kit. Yes I know its Microsoft but I think there is a case for using their free tools to RAD prototypes given the level of investment and close integration to the MS windows development roadmap. Oh and the small issue of 80% odd market share.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Handle Leaks & High CPU Usage (aka Throwing Sand)

I have had a bug bear that seemed to affect the reliability of system.

I eventually traced it down to the slow leaking of system handles. After endless searching I finally came across this very simple tip to view the system handles by process in the Task Manager. Bob's your uncle I found the culprit and killed it!

On a roll I decided to attack the high idle CPU which appeared to be caused by the various IM app's I had running. It turned out to be predominantly Microsoft Live Messenger 2011 and by following this tip to block the advertising it seems to have work.

It did not work immediately but eventually it settled down to a near 0% rather then the previosus 10% CPU utilisation.

Me 2 Microsoft 0 (at least today!).